
The war in Sri Lanka is conducted behind closed doors.
Foreign media is forbidden from the war-zone and the press is censored

Oklahoma Bomb

Following the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City (US), the American Ambassador in Sri Lanka received a letter dated 22 April 1995, on a letterhead with the LTTE logo, supporting the bombers. The letter got published in numerous newspapers throughout the world.

Mr. Lawrence Thilakar, the international spokesman for the LTTE, was in Washington DC at that time to meet with State Department officials. He was shown the letter.

Mr. Thilakar was absolutely certain it did not originate from his office, and he promptly denied the allegation. He then notified LTTE headquarters in Jaffna, which also issued a statement of denial.

The message from LTTE office in Jaffna stated in part-

"The LTTE denies sending any such communication to the Ambassador, and deplores it as an act of mischief. The LTTE takes this opportunity to convey to Madame Ambassador and through her to the American government and the people, our sympathy and sense of distress over the senseless bombing incident of April 19 at Oklahoma City."


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